Commercial Leasing 101

This is the place to begin your commercial lease education. If you’ve never handled a commercial lease transaction or have only done a few, this class is perfect for expanding your knowledge. Designed to teach the basics and beyond of the commercial leasing process, the course is taught from both the Tenant's & Landlord's point-of-view. Topics include: components of "rent," understanding triple nets, types of insurance, negotiation strategies, the construction process and more!
Provided by Credit Type TREC Hours TREC #
TGGSRE CE 3 43897
Provided by TGGSRE
Credit Type CE
TREC Hours 3
TREC # 43897

Upcoming class:

Jun 4th (Tue)
06:00 PM – 09:00 PM
online Enroll

Schedule of Classes

1 Results
Next Tuesday

Jun 4th (Tuesday)

06:00 PM – 09:00 PM
Offered by TGGSRE at online
Seats Available Seats Available


Offered by

The Guillory Group School of Real Estate

We have a variety of courses to choose from, all centered on some aspect of commercial leasing transactions. Our classes can be combines in full-day boot camps or taken separately.

Email Website Provider number 9998
Provider Number 9998