Attract Buyers with These These Hot New Home Decor Trends

The beginning of a new year tends to usher in a wave of new styles, including home décor trends. If your home is on the market, being familiar with the latest trends and finding easy ways to incorporate them may help you update your home’s design to reflect what today’s buyers are looking for. Here are a few home décor trends that experts expect will be popular in 2021

- Furniture that embodies comfort and tradition. Over the past several months, people have spent more time at home than ever before. In addition, the anxiety and uncertainty that have defined recent events have led many of us to crave the familiar. Combining these two trends, interior designers anticipate that in 2021, homeowners will drift away from the minimalist aesthetic that has been popular in recent years, instead preferring spaces that are comfortable, inviting, and functional. For example, overstuffed furniture, soft curves, and traditional styles are expected to be popular.

- Natural materials. In keeping with the trend towards warm, comfortable styles, many people are bringing nature into their homes with materials like jute, ceramic, leather, and organic fibers. In addition to having a soothing effect, these materials tend to be more sustainable—which is a priority particularly among younger homeowners.

- “Grandmillennial” style. Members of the Millennial generation—currently ranging from approximately 22-39 years old—now represent the largest share of homebuyers. Therefore, sellers may consider familiarizing themselves with the décor styles that resonate with this powerful demographic. One emerging style, dubbed “grandmillennial” or “granny chic,” refers to the way that many Millennials are putting their own modern spin on design elements that may be seen as historic or outdated. Grandmillennial style includes antiques and vintage items, colorful, floral prints, embroidered linens, and other elements that convey a cozy, classical aesthetic.  

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